Accident at work claim settles for £300,000

Posted: 4/4/2018

    We recently acted for a Plaintiff who had sustained injury at work when the scaffolding that he was standing on collapsed causing a double leg fracture and ankle injury, which required surgical intervention.

    The Plaintiff claimed for injuries, loss of wages, future loss of wages and fortuitous care provided by his family.

    We commissioned specialist reports from Forensic Accountants, a Nursing Care expert, an Occupational Psychologist and an Orthopaedic Consultant. A joint consultation in advance of hearing achieved a settlement figure of £300,000.


    Our client’s claim settled for £300,000 including loss of earnings.

    Whatever your legal requirements, Gray Magee can be contacted by calling to our offices at 20 Hillview Avenue, Newtownabbey, Co Antrim or by calling 90 365955 or visit our website

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    Gray Magee Solicitors

    2O Hillview Avenue
    Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim
    BT36 6AE

    Tel: 028 90365955


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